Make a pass definition
Make a pass definition

make a pass definition

I've tried to pass off my accent as a convent school accent. Passes All Melbourne toll roads CityLink and EastLink Multiple vehicles Cover trips made up to 5 days ago Auto payments after each day of travel Low. When you use PyTorch to build a model, you just have to define the forward function, that will pass the data into the computation graph (i.e. He passed himself off as a senior psychologist. V P adv/prep pass off as phrasal verb If you pass something off as another thing, you convince people that it is that other thing.

make a pass definition

Pass paymentbehaviordefaultincomplete when creating a subscription. The main demonstration passed off peacefully. With Subscriptions, customers make recurring payments for access to a product.

make a pass definition

V P pass off phrasal verb If an event passes off without any trouble, it happens and ends without any trouble. 'Ted just got fired from his job for making a pass at Tina.'' my husband accused my sister of making a pass at him but, I know he's a lying bastard. Personalized plan: We customize your experience to maximize your learning. They were injured when a parked car exploded as their convoy passed by. Proven methods: Learn faster, remember longer with our scientific approach. What does made a pass at expression mean Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. informal hit on, make time with, put the make on. Definition of made a pass at in the Idioms Dictionary. V P pass by phrasal verb If you pass by something, you go past it or near it on your way to another place. Look at other dictionaries: make a pass at MAKE (SEXUAL) ADVANCES TO, proposition informal come on to, make a play for N. Judgment pass away phrasal verb You can say that someone passed away to mean that they died, if you want to avoid using the word `die' because you think it might upset or offend people. Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and games users love.

Make a pass definition